Fifth Semester
Computer Science and Engineering
(Regulation 2004)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
PART A - (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
1. List out the different functions of management.
2. What do you understand by sleeping partners?
3. Distinguish between strategical and tactical planning.
4. What do you mean by planning premises?
5. What do you understand by Span of management?
6. Define the term "On-the-job training".
7. Distinguish between a leader and manager.
8. List any four methods of non-verbal communications.
9. What is Multinational Corporation (MNC)?
10. Define "Break Event Analysis".
PART B - (5 x 16 = 80 marks)
Discuss in detail about the various types of business organization.
(b) (i) Explain the principal contribution of H.Fayol to the development of management thoughts.
(ii) Compare and contrast between F.W.Taylor's and H.Fayol's approach towards management.
(i) Discuss some of the tools for developing organizational strategies.
(ii) Explain the steps involved in decision making process.
(i) Elaborate the different types of organizational plans.
(ii) What do you understand by management by objectives (MBO)? What are its advantages and limitations?
(i) Describe some of the common methods of departmentation with suitable examples.
(ii) Compare Line, staff and functional authorities.
(b) Discuss in detail about the steps involved in providing appropriate human resources.
(i) What do you understand by "Leadership style"? Describe the different styles of leadership.
(ii) "Good communication is the foundation of sound management" - Comment. What are the barriers to effective communications?
(b) (i) Does motivation influences productivity? Justify.
(ii) Discuss in detail about Herzberg's theory motivators and satisfiers.
(iii) Describe the relationship of hygiene factors and job enrichment.
(i) Discuss the importance of control in organization. Explain the steps involved in the controlling process.
(ii) What are the different types of organizational control? Mention the advantages of using budget as a control.
(i) Explain the types of managerial attitude towards the operation of multinational corporations.
(ii) What do you understand by operations management? Discuss the steps involved in operations management.
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